Custom Digital Ad Tactics

We design each campaign with our client's KPI's in mind.

Kevin Flanigan: Partnership Development Manager

Customized  Approach

We believe the core value of digital advertising is the ability it affords clients to target consumers based on known behaviors. The key to a successful digital ad campaign requires an understanding of the client’s KPI’s as it relates to these known behaviors. As a campaign progresses, optimizing the incoming data in accordance with the client’s goals requires good communication and a skilled practitioner. 

We are committed to a customized approach. We are not a digital ad mill! We manage all of our clients campaigns in-house. We don’t send your order to a centralized ad opts facility in another state or country to “manage” your campaign. 

 In the last 5 years,  local media outlets have created their own digital ad solutions. They’ve hastily sprouted these digital ad services in response to the migration of consumers away from their legacy media channels and over to  streaming services. The unfortunate result is a bevy of digital ad mill-like services in the market sold by biased linear media reps trying to sell digital ad services they don’t fully understand but are required to sell. 

The end result for clients caught up in these digital ad mills are inconclusive, unrepeatable results with no actionable data. Our customized approach to digital advertising allows clients to side-step these digital ad mills, and delivers meaningful results. 

Client Testimonials

Alex King: Indians
"The team at Cyrid Media introduced us to some very advanced digital marketing tactics that we've been able to incorporate into our digital ad strategy. Everything that we do digitally has to tie back to ticket sales and a strong return on ad spend. Cyrid Media's digital ad solutions consistently perform well for us."
Alex King
Cleveland Indians
"Since we've been working with Cyrid Media, we've seen exponential growth in our website traffic, and as a result, our qualified leads are way up. "
Jorge Solorio
Adam Huff
These guys just really get it! We have been with them since 2003 and our business has grown every year since. They stay ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing and advertising. As a result, we stay ahead of our competition. You just can't ask for anything more out of a marketing firm.
Adam Huff
Fred Martin Auto Group